Visualizzazioni post:999
Il batterista dei Raven Joe Hasselvander non ha potuto suonare con la band sabato 9 marzo all’ Up The Hammers festival di Atene a causa di una tempesta di neve che si è abbattuta sulla costa nord-est americana e che ha causato la cancellazione di molti voli. Il suo posto è stato preso da un batterista greco.
“To all of the friends fans that would have joined together with me after a long 22 years since my last visit, Mark and John will be there for the event and are putting together something with a Greek drummer to carry on with the show. Remember, those two brothers hardly need me to put on a great show. I’m sure they will be great, so don’t miss out!
I am sorry and I want you all to know that I did everything in my power to make this show come off as this show was a great opportunity. Mother Nature sometimes sets the course and no human intervention can help. I will be taking these next few days writing my new solo album slated for recording in the fall.
Without my loyal friends and fans, I would be nothing!
See ya next time around!”