Korpiklaani : split con Juho Kauppinen

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I finlandesi Korpiklaani annunciano di essersi separati da Juho Kauppinen (fisarmonica). Lo stesso Juho ha rilasciato questo comunicato:

“I have decided to set my goals elsewhere, as a result of which Korpiklaani will go on without me from now on.

Korpiklaani was a prominent part of my life for long, but after these eight and a half years I played in the band, I have come to realize that I currently want to experience and pursue something else.

Accordion has never been my primary instrument. I also understood that performing in front of an audience is not exactly what I hugely enjoy. Strange as it sounds, what I most want from making music nowadays is playing guitar at home. That is what I find relaxing and free of stress.

Some people love touring, but because I am a very private person, I found living and traveling on the tour bus for four weeks in a row a little challenging. Nevertheless, I got to experience many things I am deeply grateful for and want to thank all Korpiklaani’s listeners, fellow bands, crew members and our staff who enabled all of this. I am glad that the band has now found a truly professional accordionist to take the place of me to take care of the future tours and shows as planned. I wish everyone well. The journey has just begun.”


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