Cattle Decapitation : David McGraw operato al mattino, sul palco alla sera

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Il batterista David McGraw dei Cattle Decapitation è stato costretto a sottoporsi ad un intervento chirurgico lunedì 15 aprile in Germania per un ascesso sotto l’ascella. Tuttavia, questo inconveniente non gli ha impedito di salire sul palco di Berlino la stessa sera. Questo il suo messaggio postato online:


“Berlin! You rule! I had the gnarliest abscess under my arm pit, and you took care of me for only 50 euros. I had a full-on surgery, general anesthesia, private recovery room, everything, and I’m not even from here, just another foreigner on tour coming through town. I was treated like if I was at a private clinic. I had enough time to let the drugs wear off and made it to perform at the show tonight. I didn’t get to see any of the sights, but instead I experienced something way more meaningful to me… seriously, thank you!”


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