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I BLACKMORE’S NIGHT lanciano il primo singolo da “Dancer and the Moon”
Frontiers Records annuncia l’uscita digitale del primo brano tratto da “Dancer and the Moon” , prossimo album dei BLACKMORE’S NIGHT, intitolato “The Moon Is Shining (Somewhere Over the Sea)“.
Il singolo può essere scaricato a pagamento da iTunes o da Amazon o ascoltato in streaming legalmente via Spotify. Frontiers ha messo a disposizione anche un sample, che può essere sentito cliccando qui:
“Dancer and the Moon” uscirà il 14 giugno in Europa in vari formati.
Ecco intanto le date confermate del tour europeo, che purtroppo non passerà dall’Italia:
Palace of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) – 15th June
CrocusCity Hall, Moscow (Russia) – 18th June
BKZ Oktyabrsky, St Petersburg (Russia) – 20th June
Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline (Scotland) – 26th June
Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre, Newcastle (England) – 28th June
Wolverhampton Grand, Wolverhampton (England) – 1st July
City Hall, Salisbury (England) – 3rd July
G Live, Guildford (England) – 5th July
Hugenottenhalle, Neu Isenburg (Germany) – 9th July
Serenadenhoff, Nurnburg (Germnay) – 11th July
Congresshalle, Saarbrucken (Germany) – 13th July
Kongress am Park, Augsburg (Germany) – 14th July
Burg Creuzburg, Creuzburg (Germany) – 19th July
Albrechtsburg, Meissen (Germany) – 21st July
Beethoven Saal, Stuttgart (Germany) – 23rd July
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