Blackmore’s Night : ascolta il nuovo singolo

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I BLACKMORE’S NIGHT lanciano il primo singolo da “Dancer and the Moon”

Frontiers Records annuncia l’uscita digitale del primo brano tratto da “Dancer and the Moon” , prossimo album dei BLACKMORE’S NIGHT, intitolato “The Moon Is Shining (Somewhere Over the Sea)“.

Il singolo può essere scaricato a pagamento da iTunes o da Amazon o ascoltato in streaming legalmente via Spotify. Frontiers ha messo a disposizione anche un sample, che può essere sentito cliccando qui:


Dancer and the Moon” uscirà il 14 giugno in Europa in vari formati.

BN MOON IS SHINING single cover


Ecco intanto le date confermate del tour europeo, che purtroppo non passerà dall’Italia:


Palace of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) – 15th June

CrocusCity Hall, Moscow (Russia) – 18th June

BKZ Oktyabrsky, St Petersburg (Russia) – 20th June

Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline (Scotland) – 26th June

Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre, Newcastle (England) – 28th June

Wolverhampton Grand, Wolverhampton (England) – 1st July

City Hall, Salisbury (England) – 3rd July

G Live, Guildford (England) – 5th July

Hugenottenhalle, Neu Isenburg (Germany) – 9th July

Serenadenhoff, Nurnburg (Germnay) – 11th July

Congresshalle, Saarbrucken (Germany) – 13th July

Kongress am Park, Augsburg (Germany) – 14th July

Burg Creuzburg, Creuzburg (Germany) – 19th July

Albrechtsburg, Meissen (Germany) – 21st July

Beethoven Saal, Stuttgart (Germany) – 23rd July


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