Visualizzazioni post:706
I Finlandesi Damnation Plan hanno reso disponibili due cover di colonne sonore estratte da film con Arnold Schwarzenegger, Judgement Day (Terminator) e The Butcher Of Bakersfield (The Running Man).
Le due canzoni possono essere ascoltate qui sotto.
Potete scaricare gli MP3 delle cover di Judgement Day (Terminator) e The Butcher Of Bakersfield (The Running Man) al seguente link:
Il batterista/compositore Jarkko Lunnas ha così commentato:
“The Terminator theme idea came up when roughly 5 years ago during Finnish Labour’s Day celebration we ended up jamming the theme at our rehearsal room and recorded it. After that our friend Jaakko Jernberg suggested we should record it properly and relea se it! Well, during “The Wakening” sessions we did.
After the Terminator version, we figured maybe we should do also a more profound tribute song for another Arnold movie, “The Running Man”.
It’s one of those classic movies you grew up with and of which you remember all the actors’ one-liners! The movie’s great theme music by Harold Faltermayer along the visual and sci-fi side of it have always been inspirational.
Considering that the original story (by Stephen King) and the movie were made in the 80s, its topic is actually quite current today, about the uprising reality-TV culture and the increasingly controlled and monitored society.”
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