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I danesi Artillery hanno firmato un contratto con Metal Blade Records. Alcuni dei brani che compariranno nel CD sono “Anno Requirem”, “Dies Irae”, “Define Your Sins” and “Wardrum Heartbeat”. Uscita entro fine anno. La band ha rilasciato il seguente comunicato:
“Artillery is very proud to have signed with legendary Metal Blade Records!
Metal Blade is the company who released Metallica’s first song, Slayer’s and Trouble’s debut records and who in their lineup have our fellow Danes Mercyful Fate/King Diamond signed. With their over 30 years of experience in the business, this is a big step forward for Artillery.
We can’t wait to have our new album released on Metal Blade, and we are looking forward to promote it with our first American tour ever. We also want to thank Metal Mind and Agnieszka for the last 5 years!”