Brutal Assault : nuove conferme

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Nuove conferme per il festival ceco BRUTAL ASSAULT, che si terrà dal 6 al 9 agosto a Fortress Josefov.

Dopo le grandi conferme delle scorse settimane (VENOM, SODOM, KATATONIA, AOSOTH, CRUACHAN, WORSHIP, SATYRICON, NIGHTFALL, HACKTIVIST, SHINING, MISERY INDEX, H2O) sono state annunciate oggi SEI NUOVE BAND, eccole qui:

Hello BA fans! Today we are back with six newly confirmed bands. Here we go, BrutalAssault announces British metalcore band ARCHITECTS, American brutal/death metallers SUFFOCATION, Taiwanese black metal band CHTHONIC, German thrash metallers CRIPPER, Norwegian stoner metal band KRAKOW and American metalcore band STRIFE. More bands coming soon.

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