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Abbath, frontman degli Immortal, conferma di aver tentato di acquisire i diritti esclusivi sul nome ed il logo della band dopo che Demonaz ed il batterista Horgh hanno deciso di prendersi una lunga pausa dal gruppo la scorsa estate. Secondo quanto apparso sul sito, l’azione intrapresa da Abbath attraverso la sua ditta individuale Eikemo Compositions è stata interrotta da un avvocato che rappresenta Demonaz e Horgh, che vorrebbero il marchio Immortal condiviso da tutti e tre i membri.
Ecco la lettera che Abbath ha inviato al “Norwegian Industrial Property Office” in cui espone le sue ragioni:
“This summer Olve received a message from Harald and Reidar indicating that they wanted to take a longer break from Immortal after a conflict occurred between Olve and the other two bandmembers.
The band rents a rehearsal space where costs were being shared between the three bandmembers. Harald and Reidar did not want to pay their share of the rent since the band, in their opinion, was not active. Olve, as songwriter, was dependent on the rehearsal and was willing to cover the rental costs himself. The other two members then moved out of the premises and stopped paying their share of the rent. Olve perceived this move as them pulling out of the band.”