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Il chitarrista dei Twisted Sister Jay Jay French ha fatto sapere che il batterista della band A.J. Pero è morto all’età di 55 anni. Non sono state svelate le cause. Sulla sua pagina Facebook, French ha scritto:
“The members of Twisted Sister are profoundly saddened to announce the untimely passing of our brother, A.J. Pero.
The band, crew and most importantly the family of A.J. Pero thank you for your thoughts and prayers at this time.”
In un altro comunicato, il cantante Dee Snider ha detto:“Today I lost a brother. Anthony Jude Pero passed away. A.J. was the final piece in a band that would become an international sensation and one of the greatest live rock acts to ever hit the stage. His sledgehammer assault on the drums helped drive Twisted Sister and me to greatness and inspired me to rock every single show. My heart breaks knowing I will never feel the power of his beat behind me, or turn to see his face smiling broadly from the sheer joy he got from doing what he loved. I will always remember that smile. RIP my friend.”