Raven : Joe Hasselvander salta il tour europeo

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A causa di un grave problema di salute, il batterista Joe Hasselvander non parteciperà all’imminente tour europeo dei Raven, di passaggio in Italia il 15 e 16 giugno. Al posto di Hasselvander ci sarà Dave Chedrick dei Kill Ritual. Questo il comunicato della band:

“As you can imagine, the health and well being of our good mate and partner in mayhem is paramount in importance. However, in order to meet our obligations to our fans, we will still be playing all upcoming shows with the assistance of some amazing fill-in drummers who have stepped up to the plate to help the show go on.

On Thursday [May 18] in Chicago, Jimmy Mess from Tattooed Millionaires will do the honors, and the shows this weekend on the East Coast we are extremely honored to have Fear Factory drummer and all-around metal legend Mike Heller behind the kit. And for the European tour, Kill Ritual drummer Dave Chedrick will do the honors.

Please join with us in wishing Joe best wishes and a speedy recovery.”

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