SynlakrosS : cover e concept del nuovo album

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La alternative melodic death metal band SynlakrosS hanno iniziato a rivelare i dettagli del loro nuovo album 0K4M1, in uscita molto presto e di cui potete vedere la cover più in basso. L’album è un concept il cui protagonista è 0K4M1, creatura mezza umana e mezza aliena. La band ha spiegato:

And what is 0K4M1?

This album is completely different from our previous albums.This time you are part of history, how? the album is a message sent by the creature 0K4M1, and you are the one who receives this message from millions of light years away.Like a message in a bottle.At the end of the listening, you must choose if you want to keep it a secret, or if you want to share it withothers.

And who is 0K4M1?

0K4M1 is a creature created by humans from a synthetic embryo and alien DNA.Created to be a lethal weapon, the new antichrist.Before dying, it decides to record it life experience and share it with everyone who receives this message.Because perhaps it experience can ease the listener’s existential pain and suffering.It is a sad but beautiful album, dark but full of energy.An epic space opera that marks a new era for the band.We know who we are, we know what we want.This is our sound.Love it or hate it.”

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