Gone In April : online il video di “Haven”

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La symphonic melodic death metal band canadese Gone In April ha messo online il video di “Haven”, brano estratto dal loro album “Shards Of Light” uscito nel 2019. Eccolo:

La cantante/violinista Julie Bélanger Roy ha detto:

“Before recording our album ‘Shards of Light’, we scouted many locations for our music videos. We wrote the lyrics of some of our songs specifically with the chosen locations in mind, framing our stories around these environments.

We heard about the Great Saltpetre Cave from a friend whose father used to offer oil lamp guided tours of the cave. After a warm welcome from the members of the preserve who kindly allowed us to film in the cave, we were absolutely amazed by the monumental size of the main room, a stunning 165′ long x 65′ wide x 50′ high, enough to comfortably sit 1500 people.

A few spins of the imagination, and we write a song about a fast-spreading virus, the need for a safe haven for a large body of people while they wait for the virus to die off, a few years spent underground, and a new world when everybody emerges from the cave. Little did we know what was coming our way when we recorded this song. As we finally start to see the end of this worldwide crisis, we feel that the time has come to release Haven, and hopefully find our version of a new world.

As the battle and anguish cease
And our hearts filled with peace
Horizon reborn
A new world


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