Autumnblaze : annunciano il nuovo album, primo singolo online

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I melancholic dark metallers Autumnblaze annunciano che il loro nuovo album ‘Auf Zerfetzten Schwingen’ verrà pubblicato da Argonauta Records ad inizio 2024. Qui sotto potete ascoltare “Niedertracht”, il primo singolo:

Markus (voce, chitarra, basso) ha detto del singolo:
‘Niedertracht,’ stands as one of our most profound artistic creations. Its music and lyrics poured forth like an impassioned river. We earnestly aspire for its message condemning war and violence to reach even those ensnared by the chaos of conflict.

Il batterista Arisjel ha aggiunto:

Awakening from a profound slumber, we hold a mirror to a world on the edge. Our new single, ‘Niedertracht,’ part of the album ‘Auf zerfetzten Schwingen,’ is a bold, energetic statement about the current state of humanity. It encapsulates the album’s essence, offering a raw reflection of our world’s complexities.
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