Ancient Vvisdom : primi dettagli del nuovo album e singolo online

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La occult rock band americana Ancient Vvisdom svela i primi dettagli relativi al nuovo album “Master Of The Stone”: qui sotto potete ascoltare il primo singolo “Sold My Soul To Satan”, più in basso scaletta e copertina. Nathan Opposition ha dichiarato:

“It’s been one of the best recording sessions a band could ask for , working with my brother is effortless and rewarding . We have a great time making albums together I believe it shows. There are a good combination of heavy songs in the vein of our album Sacrificial , hard rockers in the vein of our album Mundus and classic VVisdom style acoustic tracks in the vein of our first release A Godlike Inferno. There’s much to enjoy and we absolutely enjoyed making it happen for you! Let the devils reign continue and always remember to be true to your true will, hail Satan!”

1.Sold My Soul to Satan
2.The Adversary
4.World’s Demise
5.Ashes from on High
6.Master of the Stone
7.Demon Est Deus Inverses
8.The Devil’s Sermon
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