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A cinque anni dalla pubblicazione di “Marrow”, i Madder Mortem annunciano che pubblicheranno il nuovo album “Old Eyes, New Heart” il 26 gennaio su Dark Essence Records. Il nuovo brano “Unity” può essere ascoltato qui:
La band ha detto del brano:
“‘Unity’ is a song about not lying to oneself, facing reality head-on and with honesty. Musically, “Unity” blends Muse-ish excess with Eastern rhythmic and melodic influences and a sing-along chorus, all wrapped in a very Madder Mortem mix of heaviness and atmosphere.”
1. Coming from the Dark
2. On Guard
3. Master Tongue
4. The Head that Wears the Crown [LISTEN]
5. Cold Hard Rain
6. Unity [LISTEN]
7. Towers [WATCH VIDEO]
8. Here and Now
9. Things I’ll Never Do
10. Long Road