Midnightmares : ascolta “Sanctuarium”, il singolo di debutto

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Il duo belga/messicano Midnightmares ha pubblicato il singolo di debutto e video di “Sanctuarium”. Eccolo:

La band ha commentato:

“We are overjoyed with the result of our very first single. We believe we’ve captured the right vibe and atmosphere of the story behind the song, which is a dark and captivating experience. Every song needs a compelling story behind it. That makes the experience complete. “Sanctuarium” is a perfect example of that. There’s more to come, but for now we are very proud of our first piece of work.”


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/midnightmares.official

Website: https://www.giosmet.com/midnightmares

Bandcamp: https://midnightmaresmetal.bandcamp.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/midnightmares.official/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Midnightmares-metal

Gio Smet Records: https://www.giosmetrecords.com/

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