Lay Of The Autumn : pubblicato il singolo di debutto

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Rockshots Records annuncia la nascita dei LAY OF THE AUTUMN, nuova band del talentuoso Davide Scuteri. Qui sotto potete ascoltare il primo singolo “Si Sta Come D’Autunno Sugli Alberi Le Foglie”.

Davide Scuteri ha detto del brano:

“This is a hermetic title. During the First World War there was a poet into the battlefield, his name was Giuseppe Ungaretti and he wrote these lines in his poetry “Soldati (Soldiers)”, as perpetual symbol of the life in the trenches.
It’s an instrumental powerful and virtusistic song, in the style of the Stratovarius, which talks about the conflicting emotions which can live inside us, and the precarious condition of the life when the Lay of the Autumn comes”.

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