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I thrashers americani Sacred Reich annunciano la ristampa del loro quarto album album “Heal” in CD e vinile per il mercato europeo: data d’uscita il 26 luglio su Metal Blade Records. Il bassista/cantante Phil Rind ha detto:
“We are happy to re-issue the Heal record. It has some heavy tunes and I think was a bit overlooked at the time. You be the judge. Turn it up and play it loud”
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Tracklisting – CD
01. Blue Suit, Brown Shirt (2:27)
02. Heal (3:42)
03. Break Through (3:37)
04. Low (4:03)
05. Don’t (2:51)
06. Jason’s Idea (0:39)
07. Ask Ed (4:07)
08. Who Do You Want To Be? (2:22)
09. Seen Through My Eyes (3:18)
10. I Don’t Care (3:16)
11. The Power Of The Written Word (2:37)
12. Beef Bologna (Bonus Track) (1:40)
Tracklisting – Vinyl
01. Blue Suit, Brown Shirt (2:27)
02. Heal (3:42)
03. Break Through (3:37)
04. Low (4:03)
05. Don’t (2:51)
06. Jason’s Idea (0:39)
07. Ask Ed (4:07)
08. Who Do You Want To Be? (2:22)
09. Seen Through My Eyes (3:18)
10. I Don’t Care (3:16)
11. The Power Of The Written Word (2:37)
12. Beef Bologna (Bonus Track) (1:40)
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