…In Viscero : “Italia Violenta” uscirà l’1 settembre

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Il trio death metal ungherese …In Viscero pubblicherà il suo debut album “Italia Violenta” l’1 settembre su Pest Records (Romania) e Metal Ör Die Records (Ungheria)! Il video del brano “Incubo sulla città contaminata” è disponibile qui:

La band ha detto di “Italia Violenta”:

“Our goal is to evoke the great moments of Italian cinema between the 60s and 90s. The era when filmmaking was more human, creative and forward-looking. When the void created by financial gaps was filled with human creativity, which created masterpieces that are now inscribed in gold in the eternal pantheon of universal cinematography. The seven films evoked by the album’s songs tell tales about demons, zombies, witches and the darkest side of the human mind. After listening to the album, watching these films is not only necessary, but mandatory!
Viva il Cinema Italiano!”

L’album può essere preordinato qui:

Pest Records

Metal Ör Die Rex


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