Angelic Foe : nuovo album con Wormholedeath

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La symphonic metal band Angelic Foe ha firmato con Wormholedeath Records che ne pubblicherà il nuovo e quinto album “Amulets And Charms” il 06 dicembre. La band ha dichiarato:

“Angelic Foe is proud to announce the release of their fifth full-length album “Amulets and Charms” through WormHoleDeath Records, this collaboration offers an opportunity for the Sweden-based neoclassical and darkwave act to reach out to new audiences and platforms that would appreciate their unique blend of different genres.

Ecco un teaser del nuovo album:

1 Lamashtu
2 In Shadows Deep
3 Discordia
4 Rite of Passage
5 Amulet
6 Fire, Water, Sword
7 Bless the Charm
8 Avnas
9 Tail Devourer

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