Wastefall : annunciato il nuovo bassista

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I greci Wastefall annunciano che il bassista Stefanos Spanopoulos (ex-Soulskinner, ex-The Dancing Cripples) è entrato a far parte della band. Il cantante/chitarrista Domenik Papaemanouil ha detto:

“We’re incredibly excited to welcome Stefanos to the Wastefall family, his musical depth and presence bring a new level of richness to our music, and we can’t wait to share this new chapter with our fans.”

Stefanos Spanopoulos ha commentato:

“It is a great honour for me and it makes me very happy to play among these guys! I can still bring the image to my memory, when I first listened to the “Soulrain 21” record and it totally blew my mind. I couldn’t believe how these guys from where I lived managed to put out such an amazing record with such an amazing songwriting! I’m extremely happy to be in a band that I’m a huge fan of, I can’t wait to see you all on stage and see your reactions to the new material we are working on!”

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