Ylisia : Wormholedeath ristampa il debut album “Underneath”

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La symphonic metal band olandese Ylisia ha firmato con Wormholedeath che pubblicherà la ristampa del debut album “Underneath” il 06 dicembre. La band ha dichiarato:

“We are very pleased and grateful for the opportunity to sign with WormHoleDeath,” Ylisia shared. “After careful consideration, we were excited to join forces with them to bring our music to a larger audience. We believe WormHoleDeath will provide the tools and network that will boost our visibility worldwide. We’re looking forward to this new chapter in our journey!”

1. Pain
2. Underneath
3. Free
4. Tell Me
5. Hourglass
6. Labyrinth
7. September
8. You
9. Catch My Breath

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