Mantar : nuovo album fuori a febbraio 2025

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I Mantar pubblicheranno il loro nuovo album “Post Apocalyptic Depression” il 14 febbraio 2025 su Metal Blade Records! Il chitarrista/cantante Hanno Klänhardt ha detto:

We wanted to do everything different from the last album, the last album was very produced. A huge sounding record with clean production. Display of power. That was what we wanted and felt at that time. Now we are trying to destroy what we’ve built up with the last album. There is a certain beauty in disappointing people’s expectations.”

Hanno Klänhardt ha così descritto il processo di registrazione dell’album:

Quick and dirty. We didn’t even bring our own gear to the studio, and just used the equipment that we would find there. There was zero planning involved in the making of this album. We wanted to keep it as primitive as possible. We were bolder this time and literally cut any shit off the songs that we didn’t think was necessary. I think you can hear that and playing these new songs is more fun. I feel very connected with my punk roots on this album. Very punk rock production and next to our first album definitely the most raw sounding one.”


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