Rioghan : ascolta “Hands”, secondo singolo dal nuovo album

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I prog metallers finlandesi Rioghan pubblicheranno il loro secondo studio album ‘Kept’ il 14 febbraio 2025 su Inverse Records. Qui sotto potete ascoltare il secondo singolo “Hands”, di cui la band ha detto:

” ‘Hands’ hits with raw agony from the get go, compiling complicated emotions arising from a place of abuse and unsafety, threading back and forth on the line of apathy and fight or flight-response. Musically the song gives you a false feeling of safety at first, until it sheds its’ skin halfway through, evolving to a new version of itself.

About the Wheel-tour:We are having SO much fun and new experiences touring Finland with Wheel. Every show has been a unique experience and we’ve been in complete awe from the warm welcome everywhere, and Wheel-fans have truly embraced our presence. This makes sure we are actively looking for more live show opportunities, it’s so rewarding to get together with people.”


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