Hazzerd : il video di “ThArSh TiLl DeTh”

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I Thrashers canadesi Hazzerd tornano con il secondo singolo/video musicale “ThArSh TiLl DeTh”, brano estratto dal nuovo album ‘The 3 rd Dimension’ in uscita il 17 gennaio. Il batterista/cantante Dylan Westendorp ha detto:
“The newest single off our upcoming 3rd album is the quote “silly track” on the record. Continuing a tradition from both our debut album, ‘Misleading Evil’ and sophomore album, ‘Delirium,’ by adding in a light-hearted, funny sounding track. The song is spelt all weird & unorthodox as the word “Tharsh” comes from us being silly kids and calling the genre Tharsh as opposed to Thrash and the uppercase/lowercase lettering is meant to portray someone mocking the term Thrash till Death.”

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