On Atlas’ Shoulders : è uscito “Aion”, il nuovo album

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E’ uscito “Aion”, il nuovo album degli On Atlas’ Shoulders! Potete acquistare il disco qui: www.onatlasshoulders.com/landing-page

La band ha detto dell’album:

“In line with the general band philosophy, which mainly deals with the concept of progress and legacy, the album “AION” is about the joy of discovery and the courage to venture into the unknown. Aion, as the god of eternity from Greek mythology, plays the role of the infinite and humanly intangible entity that is beyond any control and represents the ignorance that one encounters when embarking on discovery. Songs like “Northern Lights” and “Gears of Life” speak of positive experiences that one can have in the course of discovery, whereas “Wings of Icarus” and “Starfall” also speak of the dark side, namely loss and pain. The space concept on the album is intended to visualize the unknown and the infinite variety of possible discoveries. Therefore, we decided on a futuristic album concept.”

Ecco il video della titletrack:

1. Aion (feat. Jeff Black)
2. Gunslingers
3. Swallow the Sun
4. Gears of Life
5. Wings of Icarus
6. Starfall
7. Titanium
8. Rise Above
9. Northern Lights (feat. George Liszt)


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