Rats Of Gomorrah : guarda il video di “Narcissus”

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I death metallers tedeschi Rats Of Gomorrah pubblicheranno il loro debut album “Infectious Vermin” il 31 gennaio 2025 su Testimony Records in vinile, CD, cassetta e digitale. La band ha messo online il video del brano “Narcissus”, cliccate qui sotto per vederlo:

01. Swarming Death
02. Face No Consequence
03. Tails Unknown
04. Narcissus
05. Rise from the Abyss
06. Rattenkönigin
07. Night Orbit
08. Asleep on a Dagger
09. Strychnos
10. Towers, Ropes and Knives
11. Judas Goat
12. Cosmicide
13. Vat of Acid

http://lnk.spkr.media/rats-of-gomorrah-vermin +++ https://testimonyrecords.de +++ https://www.facebook.com/testimonyrecords +++ https://www.instagram.com/testimony_records +++ https://www.facebook.com/ratsofgomorrah +++ https://www.instagram.com/ratsofgomorrah


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