Aversed : ascolta il nuovo singolo “Lucid Decapitation”

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Gli americani Aversed hanno messo online il nuovo singolo digitale e video “Lucid Decapitation”, brano estratto dal nuovo album ‘Erasure of Color’ in uscita il 21 marzo ed ordinabile qui: https://lnk.to/aversed

Il batterista Jeff Saltzman ha detto della canzone:

“In 1905, French physician Dr. Jacques Beaurieux performed an experiment on prisoners condemned to die by guillotine. Immediately after his subjects were decapitated, he called out their names seeking to determine to what extent and for how long consciousness remained in their detached skulls. In ‘Lucid Decapitation,’ we explore the horrifying prospect of being subjected to such a test, and our world’s hunger for knowledge, regardless of the cost. What does it feel like to be a head, detached from your body? Can science ever be justified in performing such grisly experiments?”

Il nuovo album avrà questa copertina:


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