Defiled Serenity : il terzo singolo è una cover di Rihanna

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La melodic death metal band finlandese Defiled Serenity pubblicherà il suo debut album “Within the Slumber of the Mind” il 21 febbraio 2025 su Inverse Records. Il terzo singolo estratto dall’album è la cover di ‘Unfaithful’ di Rihanna, a cui contribuiscono le vocals di Karisma.

Il vocalist Paavo Laapotti ha dichiarato:
”I’ve always loved making cover songs and especially when you do a metal cover of a pop song. I heard this song when I was younger and the melody got stuck in my head. This song is very suitable as a melodeath cover and I got the vision for it pretty quickly. We also got a very talented singer Sonja Lindberg to do a feature for this track. I met her while filming The Voice Of Finland program. She did an excellent job and I really like her unique sound a lot.”

1. Alkutaival (feat. Juha Tapio)
2. Voices from the Void
3. Exiled to Infinity
4. Death
5. Mortal
6. Within the Slumber of the Mind
7. Through the Chaos
8. Your Worst Enemy
9. Tears of Black
10. Unfaithful (Rihanna cover) (feat. Karisma)


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