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La progressive metal band finlandese Joviac ha pubblicato il secondo singolo “Burn”, tratto dal terzo album in studio “Autofiction Pt. 1 – Shards” la cui uscita è prevista per Inverse Records il 16 maggio 2025.
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Il cantante e chitarrista Viljami Jupiter Wenttola ha detto del brano:
“Burn is an intensely personal song for me, and heavily inspired by my personal experiences of dealing with the mental illness of a loved one.
When faced with a reality altering mental illness, one often feels like running into a brick wall. No two days are the same, and the words that seemed to get through yesterday aren’t connecting today. It leads to frustration, anger and resentment among a plethora of other feelings. Together combined the feelings become a storm that blows through, leaving inner destruction in its