Decapitated : in studio con il nuovo batterista

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Il 10 marzo i polacchi Decapitated sono entrati agl Hertz Studio di Bialystok, Polonia, per iniziare a registrare il loro sesto album. Il CD, amcora senza titolo, uscirà a settembre via Nuclear Blast. Il nuovo album segna il debutto del nuovo batterista Michal Lysejko, che ha raggiunto il gruppo in tempo per il tour di gennaio con i Lamb Of God. Il chitarrista Waclaw “Vogg” Kieltyka ha detto:

“We would like to share few news with you.

All you know that we’ve been quite busy lately. We had some personal changes in the band and also we did I guess the best tours we had; with Meshuggah, Lamb Of God and Children Of Bodom.

First of all, we want to introduce you Decapitated new drummer Michal Lysejko. Some of you had a chance to meet him already during tour with Lamb Of God this January.

Also I want to say THANK YOU to the rest of the people who took a challenge and sent their video for an audition.

Also, since January this year, we signed worldwide management contract with Continental Concerts & Management. That’s for sure big step and opportunity for us and big challenge.

But I guess the most important news for most of you is that after almost nine years we back to Hertz Studio (albums: ‘Nihility’, ‘The Negation’, ‘Organic Hallucinosis’) to record new album which will be released autumn this year. We will inform you about details soon.”


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