Jack Starr : nuovo album ad aprile, ascolta “Rise Up”

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BraveWords Records è lieta di annunciare che il nuovo album solista di Jack Starr, “Out of the Darkness Part II”, uscirà il 25 aprile 2025. Jack Starr ha detto dell’album:

“This is the album I always hoped I would make, one that would be filled with power and glory but also melodic and passionate at the same time. This is the sequel to my 1984 album Out of the Darkness, and it truly is a worthy successor that I believe will be embraced with the same affection that greeted the original. So yes, Out of the Darkness Part 2 is here, and I urge everyone to listen to it. Keep the metal burning.”

Qui sotto potete ascoltare il nuovo brano “Rise Up”.


Hand Of Doom
Endless Night
Into The Pit
Rise Up
Underneath The Velvet Sky
Tonight We Ride
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
Sahara Winds
The Greater Good
Savage At The Gate (Bonus Track)
The Lesson (Bonus Track)


Giles Lavery – Vocals (Warlord / Alcatrazz)
Jack Starr – Lead Guitar
Eric Juris – Lead Guitar (Warlord)
Gene Cooper – Bass
Rhino – Drums (Ex Manowar)

Guests Mark Zonder – Drums (Warlord ex Fates Warning)
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards (Alcatrazz / Warlord / New England)




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